April showers bring May flowers – A warm welcome for your umbrella (wet or not) : Our subtle UMBRELLA stand.
Details for UMBRELLA standApril showers bring May flowers – A warm welcome for your umbrella (wet or not) : Our subtle UMBRELLA stand.
Details for UMBRELLA standWhen our coat stand JAMES is at his wit’s end, only in terms of quantity of course, his big brother JIMMY comes to rescue. He offers space for up to 25 jackets and coats. More Brownie points: Easy handling thanks to plastic casters and a height-adjustable rack. JIMMY comes also with white wooden hangers and […]
Details for Coat rack JIMMYJAMES fits in every corner and likes to play the butler for our clients! As a wardrobe it offers enough space for jackets, coats, hats and umbrellas. The upper hangers are rotatable, the metal pieces are silvery chrome-plated and the base plate is made of polished marble.
Details for Coat stand JAMES